Thursday, December 10, 2009


Buon Giorno! Good morning!

Entrate! Come in.

Sedetevi. Qui nel salotto, sulla poltrona vicina all finestra.
Sit down. Here in the living room, on the chair next to the window.

Volete un caff`e, un' espresso, un biscotto?
Do you want a coffee, an espresso, a cookie?

Make yourself comfortable.

State un `po.
Stay a while.

Volete pi`u luce? Pi`u calore?
Do you want more light? More heat?

Questa camera `e calda e accogliente. `E la mia preferita. C'e una bella veduta da qui.
This room is warm and inviting.  It's my favorite. There is a great view from here.


A casa tua, qual`e la camera piu accogliente?
At your place, which room is the most inviting?

La cucina, la camera da letto, o il salotto?
The kitchen, the bedroom, or the living room?

Quale camera ha una bella veduta?


  1. Hello everyone.
    There are fifteen of you, plus my grandchild who lurks around anonymously. A class-ful. Great! I'm thrilled to have such an interest. I would have kept this up with just one person.

    Now, if this is your first time with a foreign language, don't be discouraged.

    Sink in the situation provided. Learn the words about that situation. Slowly, you'll see some similarities, notice grammatical structures.

    This method is called The Natural Language Approach, btw.

    Most of us, in school, learned through memorization and grammar rules. While we need some memorization, what we need most of all at the beginning, is confidence and a sense of adventure.

    Explore other blogs where you'll encounter the language and situations and will begin to soak in the patterns. Maurizio, a follower who commented on the first or second post has an amazing blog with great pictures and prose.

    You may want to visit the following blogs for Italian culture:

    If you want to add other blogs you frequent that could be of use to all of us, please do.

    Best of luck to each and everyone.

    As your teacher, I encourage you not to miss any lesson. Unless new words are used, they will not become part of your repertory.

  2. Thanks for mentioning me Rosaria. You know, I am all for the Natural Approach to languages.

    Forse questo ti può interessare, anche se non sono qui per pubblicizzare il mio blog:

    Natural Language Learning as Nonconscious Acquisition

    Ciao e buon lavoro

  3. Nel mia casa, cucina e salotto sono una camera separati psicologicamente. Bella viduta? No, perche sono nel la cita.

  4. This is great I am practising here over and over and trying to get them memorized. This is great you are an amazing teacher.

    Thanks for sharing!

  5. Io vivo in un 1-camera *apartment (what is the italian for this?)* a Delhi, India. Mi *single (italian?)* camera `e accogliente.


    This is my first time with a foreign language. Please do correct my mistakes above.

  6. I speak a little Espanol so I can understand some Italian. Obviously there are some similarities here. I'm also trying to learn a little French. Need to expand my horizons. Thanks for the lesson.

    Stephen Tremp

  7. Mano di Roma,
    Mille grazie per la "link". Professore Krashen era uno dei miei professori, anni fa.

    Buon Natale a te, e alla tua famiglia.

  8. Phoenix:

    I understood every thing you said. So, no real need to correct. But, if you insist, here it is:

    Vivo in una camera/appartamento che `e molto accogliente, nella citta di Dehli, in India.

  9. Tom e Steven, benvenuti a voi due.

    Paolo, anche la citt`a puo avere una vista accogliente. La tua citt`a `e grande.

  10. Hi, I have one suggestion along with lesson if have podcasts/audio then it will be easier for me to pronounce and speak. Have a gr8 weekend.

  11. Ciao amici.
    Un audio `e una bella idea! Per`o molto lavoro.
    (an audio is a beautiful idea. But, lots of work.)

    Ci vediamo in un paio di giorni.
    We'll see you in a couple of days.

  12. Mi casa, stanza di sole (sun room?) la mia preferita.

  13. A casa tua, qual`e la camera piu accogliente?
    Il salotto o po essere nuestra camera de letto.
    Parlavo il Espagnol prima, e dunque e difficile de parlare in Italiano.

    Quale camera ha una bella veduta?
    Non che veduti fra noi, ma le strade sono grande con largi aspeti.
