Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Al fresco

Fuori di casa possiamo scoprire paesaggi construiti per vivere al fresco.
Outside (the house) we can discover places built for outdoor living.

Un giardino con piante, pietre, viali, sentieri.
A garden with plants, rocks, roads, paths.

Qui, possiamo vedere lavanda, rosmarino. Saremo nella zona mediterranea.
Here, we can spot lavender, rosemary. We must be in the Mediterranean (planting) zone.


  1. Mi dispiace che non abbia scritto qui per molto, molto tempo. Spero di farlo spesso adesso! Hxx

  2. Translation: I'm really sorry that I've not written here for a long, long time. I hope to do it (write here) lots now! Hxx

    O meglio dire: Spero di scrivere qui spesso adesso...(Better to say: I hope to write here lots now!) Hxx

  3. sempre attenta e geniale...complimenti

  4. What is the difference between the work 'possiamo' and 'saremo' - do they both mean 'we'?


  5. B- they are both referring to "we", first person, plural.

    Saremo is the form of "essere' in the conditional tense.
    I could have said: Siamo in una zona mediterranea. But, I wanted to indicate that I wasn't sure at all; just the plants gave me that hint.
    Io sarei= I could be
    Noi saremo=We could be

    I'll be happy to hear from our native speakers on this topic, btw.

  6. Grazie Lakeviewer.

    Ho imparato molte parole nuove in questo post. L'autunno รจ qui - addio alla vivere al fresco per un po'


  7. PS: in the previous comment I was trying to say "It is fall now - say goodbye to outdoor living for a while" - let me know if I succeeded in doing so.

  8. Si! Brava.
    Addio al vivere al fresco fin ad un 'altro anno.
