Sunday, October 31, 2010

I cantanti: The Comforters

Questa ragazza e' la mia figlia, Pia. Il ragazzo e' il suo marito, Jason.
This girl is my daughter, Pia. This man is her husband, Jason.

Sono cantanti e musicisti.
(They) are singers and musicians.

Il loro nome:The Comforters!
Their name: The Comforters.

In un paio di settimane viaggeranno -" A MusicTour", in California, in Washington, in Oregon.
In a couple of weeks, (they) will travel . A Music Tour", in California, in Washington, in Oregon.

Nella prossima estate, viaggeranno in Europa, Inghilterra, Francia, Germania, Italia e altri paesi.
Next summer, (they) will travel in Europe, England, France, Germany, Italy and other countries.

La loro musica e' Radici Americani
Their music is called American/Roots music. ( A combination of folks, country and soft rocks. All their music was written by them.)

La loro musica  piacera' a tutti.
Their music will appeal to eveyone.

Se volete ascoltarli a l'internet, andate al loro posto.  The Comforters
If you wish to listen to them on the internet, go their website.


  1. Sto ascoltando la musica bella su Internet adesso. Tua figlia ha una bella voce

  2. Pia 'e un bel nome. (It means beloved in hindi).

  3. made me curious... What does "che bel viaggio" mean?

  4. Che bel viaggio! What a beautiful trip!
    Venice is one of my favorite cities in Italy!

  5. Thanks...and I know what grazie a tutti voi means! Yes, it was a beautiful trip...Venice is truly special and unforgettable.

  6. How come 'Questa ragazza' means 'This girl' but 'Il ragazzo' means 'This Man'? Can they be used interchangeably?


  7. Very perceptive,B.
    I think of Pia as my girl, and of Jason, as her man. I should have called her 'donna', woman.

    They are not interchangeable! My error!
