Friday, June 18, 2010

Heard around ...Idioms, expressions, useful nods.

Che stai facendo? How are you managing?

Non mi piace.  (Anche, non me ne frego!) I don't care much at all. (Or, I don't give shit!)

Fattala stare. Let it be.

Fatti i fatti tuoi. Mind your business.

Capisci? Got it? Do you understand?

Ch'e? What? What is it? What's up?

Quanto basta. Just right. (as in put salt and pepper to your liking)

Cosi, cosi. So, so.

A mano manoUn po' all volta. A bit at a time; after a while.

D'accordo. Fine. Will do. I can live with that.

Fatti i conti. Figure it out. Add it up.


  1. This is so helpful. It's the everyday expressions that aren't necessarily in the language books but are important in communicating in Italian, my new language. Thanks!

  2. Grandmother, you are welcome: Prego!
    I see you got your hubby to join as well. I will try to remember that you and many others following this blog actually live in Italy. You probably need the more day-to-day interchanges that baffle most people.

    Fortunately for you and me both, some of my readers are native speakers who come here to pick up English/American expressions. You will notice that I elaborate on these.

    Italian is my first language, now, a distant memory. I'm doing these lessons for my children and grandchild who have expressed an interest in connecting with my past, to visit and understand where I came from.

    Again, you are most welcome here.

  3. veramente interessanti questi tuoi post, io sto imparando nuove espressioni in Inglese.
    Se mi permetti vorrei fare una correzione
    "let it be" in Italiano e' "lasciala stare" e non "fattala"
    Comunque il tuo Italiano e' perfetto
    Un caro saluto

  4. Grazie mille, Amalia.
    Il mio Italiano e' quello che mi ricordo, magari anche un po' di dialetto qui e li'. Ti ringrazio per le correzioni.
